Sunday, December 7, 2008

unconditional lie

I have to be with you to breathe.
I think I've never been so foolishly in love like this before.

While in the car, you paused my CD changer.

"Tak nak la lagu bising-bising".

And you played your music selection. Some love song.

I told you "would it be nice if the one I like give this song to me"
And you said "I won't do that. I'll play it to the person I like myself"

Like what you're doing to me.
Like what you're doing.

"Its getting late, do you want to stay over?"

I couldn't say yes, but I wanted to.
I'll love you, and I'll protect you like a child.
No matter what.
I'll love you unconditionally.

Whatever it takes to have you by my side.
Even when I can't have you.